How To Wash And Fluff Your Pillow?

Sleeping pillow gets dirtier as the body leaves oil, dust mites, and drools while sleeping. Our heads have natural body oils that get transferred on the pillow while sleeping, causing pillows to turn yellow. Some folks replace their pillow more frequently within every six months to 1 year. However, some folks take care of their pillows well and use for at least three years. Regular washing and proper use can increase the life-span of your down pillows for sleeping . How often should we wash the pillows? The general thumb rule is washing the pillow every six months. Our pillows gradually collect sweat, oil, and saliva, which turn it yellow and reduce its fluff. Pillows and protective covers absorb these un-savories and help not wash your pillow every week or month. You require cleaning your pillow at least every six months. Tips for washing your pillows Try to wash two down pillows at a time to keep the washer balanced on the spin cycle. Ensure the water is no...